
BT9 P-072 PR/FOIL MetalGreymon : Alterous Mode Digimon

Tax included

You buy the card: BT9 P-072 MetalGreymon : Alterous Mode
Edition of the Card: X RECORD
Rarity of the card: PR/FOIL
Type : Digimon Lv : Lv.5
Form : Ultimate Attribute : Vaccine
DP :
Play Cost:
Digivolve 1 Cost :

Digivolve 2 Cost :

Effect :

Digivoluve effect :

Security effect :
Information about the extension:

Card types
    112 types

    Common: 44 types,
    Uncommon: 30 types,
    Rare: 26 types,
    Super Rare: 10 types,
    Campaign: 8,
    Secret Rare: 2 types

    *18 Parallel Rare included in this product.
Cards went out directly of the Booster
Series: BT09 : X RECORD
Référence : BT9 P-072
The series contains : 112 Cards
Publisher: Bandai
Language of the Card: Anglais
release: 29/07/2022

BT9 P-072 Digimon