
CFV D-VS06/050EN RRR Amon's Follower, Soul Sucker

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Usted compra la tarjeta: D-VS06/050EN Amon's Follower, Soul Sucker
Edición de la Tarjeta: D-VS06 : V Clan Collection Vol.6
Rareza de la tarjeta: RRR
Clan : Dark Irregulars
Grade 2 Power 9000 / Shield 5000
Skill : [AUTO]:When this unit is rode upon by a unit with "Amon" in its card name, [Soul-Charge 3]. [AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, [COST][Counter-Blast 1], [Soul-Charge 1], and this unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of that battle. At the end of that battle, if you have a vanguard with "Amon" in its card name, and your soul has six or more cards, [C
Información sobre la extensión:

Featured Clans     Angel Feather, Shadow Paladin, Gold Paladin, Nubatama, Tachikaze, Nova Grappler, Link Joker, Dark Irregulars, Gear Chronicle, Granblue, Great Nature, Neo Nectar
Card Types     84 types of cards (38 new cards / 46 reissue cards) (RRR: 84)
+ Parallels: 15 types (VSR: 3 + SP: 12)
Las tarjetas directamente salieron de Favorecer
Serie: V Clan Collection Vol.6
Referencia : D-VS06/050EN
La serie contiene : 84 Tarjetas
Editor: Bushiroad
Lengua de la Tarjeta: Anglais
Data de salida: 19/08/2022

D-VS06/050EN Vanguard
27 Items