
Reverse PKM 020/83 Cloyster

Tax included

You buy the card: Cloyster
Edition of the Card: XY - Generations
Rarity of the card: Reverse
Pokemon : eau
Cards : 020/83
Cards : Carte Pokemon
Information about the extension:
Celebrate 20 years of Pokémon with the Pokémon TCG: Generations expansion, covering every stage of a Trainer's journey, from the choice of a first partner Pokémon to the most Elite of Trainer battles. Featuring Pikachu, Snorlax, Ninetales-EX, and Jolteon-EX, plus Mega Charizard-EX, Mega Blastoise-EX, and Mega Venusaur-EX, the Generations expansion is a power to be reckoned with! Train On.
Cards went out directly of the Booster
Series: XY
Référence : GN-020
The series contains : 83 + 32(RC) Cards
Publisher: The Pokémon Company International
Language of the Card: Français
GN-020 Carte Pokemon