
2021GB03-045 ★ Private "The FNG" Bear

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Usted compra la tarjeta: 2021GB03-045 Private "The FNG" Bear
Edición de la Tarjeta: Aces of the Cosmos, Assemble!
Rareza de la tarjeta:
ATK 5/HP 5/STK 2 Level: 2
Faction: ATLAS Attributes : Beast  Military  Zoo Brigade 
Illust :
Shinichi Chiba
Card Text :
【Discount】: If you're playing this from your hand, you may [Remove 2 Zoo Brigade cards in your graveyard from the game.] to instead pay a cost of 1 to play this. 【Enhance】: Zoo Brigade, 【Charge Shield】
Flavor Text:
That new recruit shows promise. But he might be too uptight to get along in our brigade... "Don't worry, Bullseye. You were the same when you first joined, and it only took a month until you became insubordinate like the rest of us."
Información sobre la extensión:

Welcome again, Rulers! Today we want to introduce the new set of Gate Ruler, Aces of the Cosmos, Assemble!, which will be released later this year, in October! Lets have a look at the contents of the new set!
Aces of the Cosmos, Assemble!
Release Date - October 29th, 2021

- (1 Star) 47 different cards
- (2 Stars) 21 different cards
- (3 Stasr) 16 different cards
- (4 Stars) 17 different cards
- (Superior Rare) 9 different cards
- (Legend Rare) 5 different cards
- Ruler 6 different cards
- Secret cards X different cards
Las tarjetas directamente salieron de Favorecer
Serie: 2021GB03 : Aces of the Cosmos, Assemble!
Referencia : 2021GB03-045
La serie contiene : 121 + ?? Tarjetas
Editor: Osaka-based company Daiyu
Lengua de la Tarjeta: Anglais
Data de salida: 29/10/2021

2021GB03-045 Gate Ruler
20 Artículos