
BT1-086_SPR SPR Golden Frieza, Resurrected Terror

37,50 €
Impuestos incluidos

Usted compra la tarjeta: BT1-086_SPR Golden Frieza, Resurrected Terror
Edición de la Tarjeta: DBS-B01:GALACTIC BATTLE
Rareza de la tarjeta: Special Rare[SPR]
Editor: Bandai
Lengua de la Tarjeta: Anglais
Data de salida: 28/07/2017
Información sobre la extensión:

Total 114 cards
60 Commons / 30 Uncommons / 12 Rares /
8 Super Rares / 4 Special Rares
Type Color Power
BATTLE Yellow 30000
Energy(Color Cost) Combo Energy Combo Power
7() 1 10000
Special Trait Era
Frieza Clan/Frieza's Army Resurrection ‘F’ Saga
Evolve four: <Frieza>Triple Strike (This card inflicts 3 damage instead of 1 when attacking)Auto When a card evolves into this card, place all Rest Mode Battle Cards except for this card in the Drop Area. Then, choose all Active Mode Battle Cards except for this card and switch them to Rest Mode.
BT1-086_SPR Carte DBS