
CFV D-BT06/016EN ORR Dragon Deity King of Resurgence, Dragveda

9,99 €
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Usted compra la tarjeta: D-BT06/016EN Dragon Deity King of Resurgence, Dragveda
Edición de la Tarjeta: D-BT06 Blazing Dragon Reborn
Rareza de la tarjeta: ORR
Nación: Dragon Empire
Grade 0 / Power 5000 / Shield 50000
Skill : (You may only have one [Over] trigger in a deck. When revealed as a trigger, remove that card, draw a card, choose one of your units, and it gets [Power] +100 Million until end of turn! If revealed during drive check, activate its additional effect!) Additional Effect - Choose one of your vanguards, and [Stand] it!

Información sobre la extensión:

Blazing Dragon Reborn is the 6th D-Booster Set released in the Japanese and English formats.

    Includes 105 cards (15 RRR, 5 ORR, 15 RR, 20 R, 50 C) + 52 Parallel cards (2 DSR, 15 FFR, 35 FR).
        There are 99 new cards and 6 reprints.
    Includes support for the Dragon Empire, Dark States, Brandt Gate, Keter Sanctuary, Stoicheia nations.
        Introduces a ride line for Brandt Gate.
    The package illustration features Yu-yu Kondo and Chakrabarthi Phoenix Dragon, Nirvana Jheva.
    The booster's slogan is "A new "power" is crossed―".
Las tarjetas directamente salieron de Favorecer
Serie: D-BT06 : Blazing Dragon Reborn
Referencia : D-BT06/016EN
La serie contiene : 106 + ?? Tarjetas
Editor: Bushiroad
Lengua de la Tarjeta: Anglais
Data de salida: 21/10/2022

D-BT06/016EN Vanguard